Healthcare Providers

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The Premier Coordinating Platform for Diagnosis
& Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Easy to Order
Refer for consultation or order sleep studies and therapies easily. Attach relevant files and information to allow for verifying eligibility and checking prior authorization.

Easy to Monitor
Monitor your patients’ testing schedule, results and treatment status in real time.

Quick & Efficient
All relevant information in one platform; making it easily accessible to all providers, for rapid and efficient care coordination and monitoring.

Our Programs

Make Home Sleep Testing a Part of your Patient Services

To test for Sleep Apnea, make Home Sleep Testing (HST) available for your patients from your office. Your patients will simply wear the HST Kit at night and return it for data download.

MyApneaPath SETUP

This is a service provided to patients who receive new PAP machines. Patients can access a calendar and schedule the time for the instructions to be given either by phone or video. The instructor will receive patient information and machine details from the DME provider before the scheduled visit, will give a structured lesson, and will inform the DME provider when completed.

MyApneaPath PAP P&S

This is a 15-minute service provided to patients who may have problems with their PAP system. It aims to answer the most common problems PAP users encounter. If not resolved, there is a tiered escalated response of referral back to the original or new prescriber, original or new DME supplier, and original or new sleep specialist and consideration for new equipment/supplies or new sleep study.

Explore other features of MyApneaPath