Overview and Indications

For all types of sleep apnea (obstructive, central, mixed), Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP, BiPAP/VPAP, ASV) therapy has the most consistent efficacy. It has the added benefit of immediate and continuous efficacy and compliance monitoring. It is prescribed by your physician and dispensed by a durable medical equipment company.

PAP or Positive Airway Pressure utilizes air pressure generated by a compressor (machine) directed via oronasal interface (face mask) to open the airway mainly during the inhalation to avoid collapse and obstruction.

The pressure can either be consistently the same (CPAP) on inhalation and expiration or higher on inhalation and lower on expiration (BiPAP) depending on the type of sleep apnea and as recommended by your physician.

There are many variations of mask design, but all are derivatives of three mask types based on either covering the nose (nasal mask), plugging the nostril (nasal pillow) or covering the nose and mouth (full face) depending on patient characteristics and comfort and as recommended by your physician.

PAP can be used for all types of sleep apnea and has the main advantages of best efficacy and fast response. In addition, it is the only sleep apnea treatment that provides immediate efficacy and compliance feedback “similar to having a sleep study every night”.

Furthermore, most insurance companies allow for a trial period before full procurement. Not everyone adapts to PAP treatment, but with education, motivation for success, and proper coaching, many more find it a comfortable and rewarding treatment.

To know more about Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Therapy, sign up here (TX residents at this time)